今天带我的小狗去这个地方血液工作接下来我知道他们给我141.50美元的法案! !你在跟我开玩笑吧,他们尝试添加额外的微芯片的指控(我不想这个,从来没有要求它!)他们告诉我他们不会带我的狗,除非我同意bortatella。然后他们告诉我为了切除卵巢小约克夏(6磅)他们打算收取我350美元切除卵巢她? ! ? ! ? ! ?我真的离开这个地方在泪水与超越粗鲁的说话的办公室经理,让我等了20分钟,她什么都不做走来走去想避开我。前面加自大了价格,说“好了,我们的价格是便宜的比大多数”哈! !我回家,叫皮尔森博士自己之外,他粗鲁的对我和妈妈今天发生了什么,他喊道,告诉我们闭嘴,问我们为什么称他的家庭数量”,因为他给了我年前这就是为什么!)皮尔逊博士说他不会逆转的指控。贪婪! ! ! !这个地方是一个扯掉! ! AND PIERSON IS THE RUDEST MAN I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH !! I came home and called Humane Society and they gave me the number for " All about Animals " they charge $80 to spay my little girl. HUGE difference $350 bucks to $80 - GREED, GREED, GREED !!! STAY AWAY FROM THIS MONEY PIT OF A ESTABLISHMENT ! Dr Pierson REFUSED to give my money back that is currently pending on the credit card at this time. Says he can't do it . He was also extremely rude to my elderly Mother by calling her a " Old Lady " telling her to " SHUT UP ! "
我的名字是埃里克。我让我的狗任命铲和一只小狗它第一次拍摄两周。我被告知他们将门将她一夜之间她将第一天的考试和拍摄然后第二天她就把铁锹。然后我可以接她。然后叫我去接她,他们可以不铲她在周二告诉我告诉他们我是在医院,不能接她和小狗请照你说的做你会做的。占着茅坑不拉屎的人也不相信我开始大叫我来让他们现在很粗鲁我告诉她她的工作就像你说你我不在乎需要多长时间,我也要求皮尔森先生给我打电话后,我就知道这个人我是一个小男孩,我在他的农场里工作常常穷困潦倒的他是一个好人。已经三个星期,还没有从他这里长话短说他们报警我声明我不会付帐,女巫,从未如此我不在乎什么比尔票价只要是和他们说他们会做什么。我有狗捡起,比尔他们指控我一夜之间他们也嘱咐我呆狗以前手术的麻醉前女巫他们没有做。请在我我有四个的狗,他们照顾我的家人。用铝做的尊重我问跟医生和从不回我电话,办公室经理应该解雇她跟我当我在医院高血压问题添加联合国希望压力在宣传我和他们说他们会做什么也没做。我付我的账单我不知道如果皮尔逊先生知道她对他的客户,但是我们的这次经历后他的生意我应该告诉所有的朋友和家人停止服用这动物的地方。 Big words called the police on me lied to them stated I would not pay my bill what a lie threten to call the dog pound if I did pick them up caused me Un wanted stress and over charged me . And told me they have removed me from there clint list ... al I wanted to do is get my dog spaded asked for the blood work refused to give my the labs so I could take her to another vet to get her spaded to this day no labs over payed and no doctor calls. I would never recommend Pierson pet hospital to any one and if you read this I would recommend that you find a better place where you get respect and a fare price and you don't get over charged bottom line called the Police what a joke
我一直把我的猫GB兽医医院自回到这个地区,但现在已经不是了。我的猫寿司过敏,似乎爆发每6个月,让她的嘴唇或脚肿了。这是坏的,她的唇很肿,我知道她是不舒服。当我叫GB兽医他们告诉我他们不能得到她,直到6月中旬。当我要求推荐做什么……他们不会帮助我。所以我开始搜索兽医这个突然出现的区域。我叫好的接待员让我在那一天!兽医(不记得她的名字)在电话里回答我所有的问题。她是第一个兽医来给我答案在寿司是什么处理。她对我很耐心。 I super appreciate all the help. I was so worried about bringing my cat to a vet during this COVID19 pandemic, they made it pain free. You sit in your car and fill out the paperwork, they come get your pet, once inside with the vet, the vet calls you and asks you questions and talks you through what they are doing. Thank you so much for all of your help!
不会回来!已经预约我的狗在这里心蠕虫测试和植入芯片。当我打电话预约,这位女士在电话里建议我认为等待植入芯片是我的狗很小,它会伤害。我叫回来的前一天他的任命和留言(因为没有人接电话),我将等待植入芯片正在考虑让他定会等到他麻醉。第二天,一个技术由于Covid外遇见我19岁,我也让她,我不希望他微芯片。她说,好吧,有人叫我当他在房间里。没人叫,直到他做了,他们想让我付钱。他们跑下法案,其中包括植入芯片。我显然心烦意乱,告诉她我已经告诉他们不去做两次。她粗鲁地说,“好吧,没有人传递信息”。 I again stated that they should not have done it and what if I did not have the money to pay for it, since I asked them not to do it? She stated, "well, don't pay to have it activated then". No apology, no offer to discount the service I didn't want. I am glad it was not a serious procedure that they did not communicate with each other about! I will not trust my pet with them again! Interesting that they do not respond to any of the negative reviews to offer apologies or contact you to discuss the issue.