Yelp (507)
调用人员似乎很欢迎和不错,即使在兽医技术人员来到汽车有一个看起来似乎非常保证。当进入第一要务是咨询费用。至于协商本身似乎很快,冲,轻检查我的狗。戴眼镜的男兽医与听不清你说话很快就把那件事做完,同意说。一旦质疑价格,额外的成本,和治疗他们非常很快赶上和你的态度。我偶然发现我的选择,他们向我保证狗狗会死如果我回家了,抓住更大的态度和我的决定。让我感觉真正的绝望。费用我想说虽然这些常规的价格你要一个新的审查方式更好。实验室测试、x射线和协商是大约758不包括安置,医学,住院治疗。看着另一个兽医,我叫和欢迎同样表达了员工和变得如此。 I wasn’t rushed to pay upfront , gave me possibilities of what it could be, and as for the consultation the vet tech was taking their time and Thoroughly looking at my dog . The consultation fee, the multiple lab test , medicine , and hospitalization came out to be around the same price as it would here . I should’ve known better than coming here after hearing similar TERRIBLE Experiences from friends and family . I’d only use this vet in times of desperation , Would give 0 stars if possible .
Debbir Youngerman
我们有一个可怕的经历与此兽医医院。兽医博士(我相信Stevenson)坚持我们的法国斗牛犬腹部异物。我们把这里有明显的呼吸困难。我告诉他们她是过敏反应或食管异物。兽医告诉我们,法国佬呼吸奇怪(我知道下文正常呼吸)。我说,没有意义。他们告诉我们7美元k移除异物说。值得庆幸的是我们有足够的了解,我们知道没有意义。快进两个兽医她回家的类固醇和苯那君过敏反应我诊断和她第二天完全没问题。我们永远不会再次使用这个地方。 Their practitioners are terrible.
这是目前为止我去过的最糟糕的动物医院。我把我的狗他中风后。首先当我回到护士在前面看到我儿子是我们几乎哭着呼吸的狗和她问1200年最严重的态度,这样他们就可以带他回来。她没有任何同情我们的痛苦仿佛她讨厌她的工作。他们告诉我们外面等待几个小时当我终于叫回博士告诉我,他应对医学但仍然没有脱离险境,所以建议我们让他几天。我告诉他,我只会离开他一晚,我们会从那里,但在我离开之前我们想要见他。他告诉我等待在房间里和一个护士会给我们。我们等了一个多小时,然后护士进来了说对不起,但是我们有一个紧急,所以你不能看到你的狗。我问他们是否可以请把他所以我的孩子们可以看到他,以防他不让它通过。她拒绝了,所以我们就回家了,那天晚上接到一个电话后,他通过。 We were devastated that we didn’t get to see him. So 2 day ago which is about a month later I go to ask for his ashes which I payed for a private cremation and they said they could not find them. Yesterday I got a call and they said they put him on public cremation because they forgot to call the place to tell them he was private cremation so now we don’t even get his ashes. This was a horrible experience for the family.
Tannya Castanon
我不能开始显示技术人员帮助的感激之情让我的宝贝齐娜活着。星期六晚上我们的小狗没有响应(8/28/21),我们被告知她为细小是积极的。我们有多种宠物包括两个成年狗在家里我们感到震惊和怀疑这可能发生。这是我们第一次的经验处理这个诊断和站在反对我们。第一技术员Meaghanne p是如此有用,进一步解释了我们所需要的。她引导我们通过金融期权和治疗。她的冷静和专业精神正是我们需要在这心碎。经过长时间的利弊,我们凌晨2点发布一个在家治疗的选择但我们准备的更糟。第二天早上我们退后齐娜剩下她需要静脉注射和后续疫苗注射治疗。当我们遇到技术员安迪·g .他是惊人的! He further explained what the next couple of days would look like. His positive energy and optimistic approach was exactly what we needed for the following day. He encouraged us to stay positive but still setting realistic expectations. His transparency but yet empathetic approach surpassed our expectations. We can’t thank the staff ENOUGH!!!! We just bought our home in Riverside and had yet to select a Vet but we will look no further! We found it!!!! If I can give 10 STARS, I would!!!!
另一个更新。我2019年去AAE只是买一些小猫牛奶前台人解释说我有2新生儿已经几乎24小时没吃东西了。她粗鲁地迫使我提供我的所有信息,拒绝卖给我一个注射器喂它们,,让我花10分钟买一罐牛奶。我祈祷我不会再进去。更新。不长我发表这篇文章后,我们把我们的狗在和一只猫几次和治疗严重在每个场合,甚至到目前为止,我们的信用卡之前治疗即使我们从来没有一个钱的问题。整个前厅工作人员和助理是路德不止一次我和我的丈夫。他们还强调我们的狗会瘫痪在几个月内没有手术,但是她很好替代治疗3年当她死于不相关的东西。最重要的是我觉得他们粗鲁、刻薄以及太明显寻找钱。最初的帖子:我能够迅速获得预约,他们非常彻底。 I think they're a bit pricier than the other emergency vet and it seems the price should be less if it's during normal business hours but it doesn't appear that way. Regardless, I felt my dog was in capable hands and that they were honest about treatment options. I'm also thrilled our town finally has a 24 hr emergency vet as the other one is quite a distance. With the office visit, 4 X-rays, blood work, sedation for the X-rays, and two prescriptions filled it was just under $600.00.
获得了教训——去阿灵顿如果你想关心的人。所以…我猜动物的孩子很幸运,我们没有意识到,当我们的“平常”兽医告诉我们,我们会接我们的猫周六周六手术后,导管和第四连接实际上可能会有人关心接下来发生的事情。我从来没有听说过阿灵顿。有人告诉我:大露台(过去不好的经历),安大略省(好的经验在过去,但完全完整)或电晕(新)。所以,我认为当我卷起电晕,并认为我就是“转移”我的小猫呆在周一之前,他们会有一些从我以前的兽医。错了。不仅在那里除了一套荒谬的新订单我们不需要。我离开了。我叫安大略省,他们建议阿灵顿。 All I can say is THANK YOU! I did have to wait. Dr. Saldana was amazing. My kitty was well-cared for. I was texted with pictures and updates from his staff. I was kept aware. I was asked if I could pick him up early as all was doing well. What can I say? Don't accept NO SERVICE- with no consideration for the pet or humans-- GO TO ARLINGTON! Yes, it was not inexpensive, but it was less than the 36 hours that CORONA was going to "take" to dump him again on Monday morning. No more will I go to a vet that is not a HOSPITAL. Pets do not have a plan for when they need help and having me drive my kitty all over "hell and back" was just unconscionable. Thank you, Dr. Saldana and Sima and Kayla and everyone. Example: Hi its Sima again from Arlington Animal Hospital, just letting you know Toby is still doing great, he's enjoying all of the cuddles, he's such an easygoing cat! He's gotten all of his medications and his bladder flushed, his urine is still looking nice and clear. The night doctor will be here in a couple of hours and he will determine whether or not he wants his urinary catheter pulled, and from there they will be able to let you know how they are going to proceed with his treatments. He still has not wanted to eat, but he seems very Arlington Animal Hospital, Inc. & 24 Hour Emergency Center
沙尔丹哈博士和员工是惊人的!我的狗露西被诊断出患了癌症,需要她的腿截肢。这个兽医这个过程执行1/2的成本任何兽医靠近我!露西有最好的照顾和我被告知通过短信和电话。我住在奥兰治县,感动于这个地方,我将返回客户端所有的宠物!非常感谢! !
我们经历了计划外的紧急6月大的英国牛头犬。星期六晚上,他需要尽快被一名兽医。所有紧急兽医在我们当地的城市不会看到我们的小狗。我拒绝服务由于低人员和完整的能力。我们的时间不多了。我们的斗牛犬牙龈开始改变一个苍白的颜色和我们开始恐慌。调用位置后位置和被拒绝服务。看我们的小狗痛苦,你知道他死是如此可怕。我发现阿灵顿动物医院,我叫他们还有几分钟的时间。阿灵顿动物医院是唯一现在医院愿意看到我的小狗。 No denying service for a pet in need. After traveling 34 miles with our puppy in critical condition we made it just in time. We rushed in and they serviced our puppy right away. We were took into a room and awaited until doctor came in to speak with us. We were in shock when the doctor stated to us that our puppy has experienced bloat. Which is a life threatening situation and needs to be treated right away. After carefully speaking with the doctor he informed us about all the negatives that associates with this situation. There were only 2 options, Surgery or euthanasian. The doctor gave him a 40% chance of living during surgery due to the fact we had already waited prior to bringing him in and the condition he was in by the time we got there. We made the best decision we could have made for our English bulldog Kronos. We gave him his 40% chance and he survived surgery and is making a great recovery. If it wasn't for the quick response From the staff with stabilizing him and getting him ready for surgery he would not be here today. Thanks to doctor David Burgermeister, DMV Forgiving all you can for saving our little guy. Thank you for informing us about everything. Thank you for your knowledge and your skills. Thank you for knowing what to do in an emergency like this. Thank you for having a great team and a team that knows what to do. After we met with the doctor and we decided to continue a surgery we left our little guy in their hands. This is always a scary situation. Not only did we think our guy wasn't going to make it we also thought about if he does make it will he be taking care of in the right way. After surgery I got the call…. Our little guy made it through surgery!! He was doing really well. Nurse Amie went over everything with me from what they had to do to stabilize and everything during surgery along with words the Dr. Had about what he found. After surgery I was greeted with a text message introducing his nurse Amie who was going to be taking care of him while he stayed there with a picture of him. The picture alone was so heart warming because the last time we saw him he was in critical condition. To see the picture I can't explain the feelings of happiness we felt. I got continuous text message of his updates after this from his continued nurses Nykole, Ashley, Teresa with all updates and anything that was going on with him. I also got more pictures sent to me as he was getting stronger and stronger. Honestly this here was something they didn't have to provide to me regarding my animal, But appreciated every moment and thank the full staff that took care of our little guy Kronos. He was making a great turnaround and we were able to pick him up ahead of time. Due to their quick reactions and the love and how serious they took this situation our little guy Was making positive improvements Very quick. After 3 nights and 2 days our little guy was able to come home. Going to pick him up was so exciting! When arrival once again we were greeted and dealt with professionally and kindness. Front office staff went over all medications and everything we will need for his recovery. Ask us if we had any questions or concerns. Thank you!! We even liked that the doctor wanted to speak to us directly before taking our little guy home. This will continue to another post. It's to long for one post.
糟糕的客户服务,他们告诉我,我是第二个我九点。直到11时他们才开始打电话说他们在九点半开始打电话。我不是唯一一个他们也告知。他们告知其他一些人。我问那位女士在前面几小时后,当我看到她告诉我这将是几个小时,我问他们为什么不告诉我,从一开始,我就一直好她认为更多的态度最差的告诉我去外面和你想看到或不她说! !我有一个两周大的小猫。婴儿与母亲需要喂吃一切2小时。他们让我等待5个小时。他们太粗鲁我永远不会去这个地方他们收取我111美元只是为了看我的小猫,给我眼药膏。小管54美元。 When I found it online for $17. The worst place ever never go here ever !!!
他们削减我的猫爪垫在x光机,没有任何补偿我们的猫最近阳光有呕吐、便秘和hard-stool问题。我们参观了阿灵顿动物医院inc .)和24小时急救中心8月31日,2021年。咨询,医生建议一个x光检查。和我的许可,他带我的猫去有一个x光检查。我已经等了大约半个小时,医生给我发短信回诊所审查限制级电影,解释我的猫的条件。但是我没有看到我的猫被带到咨询的房间。医生走了我通过限制级电影。护士把医学咨询的房间,给我药物说明。当时我还没有见过我的猫。等待另一个3到5分钟后在咨询室,护士进来了。 She asked me to wait outside and I need to pay the bill then they will bring my cat out to the lobby. I paid money and waited for a pretty long time to see Sunny. We were so worried and asked the front desk. Finally, the front desk nurse came out and said that they were trying to get my cat out of the X machine. Then another 20 minutes, THEY TOLD ME THAT SUNNY’S FOOT PAD GOT CUT WHILE THE VET TOOK HIM OUT OF THE X-RAY MACHINE. THEY STITCH HIM WITHOUT LETTING ME KNOW FIRST. Sunny was so scared and PEED AND POOPED ON HIMSELF. He has never done that before. I didn’t even know if the vet gave my cat anesthetic or not. I can’t even imagine how scared my cat was. I came to this vet to check Sunny’s constipation problem. They haven't even cured Sunny’s symptom but added another wound??????? I’m really concerned about the vet and how unprofessional they are. They didn’t even feel sorry or any compensation. They are still charging me for the X-ray even though all these happened to my cat. THEIR ATTITUDE WAS SO BAD AND UNPROFESSIONAL. NEVER TAKE YOUR PETS TO THIS PLACE!!
我不会再来这里。上周我9岁欺负晚上突然生病她扔了然后把同时放下,没有想起来. .我让她休息思考胃虫,她会没事的。凌晨1:30我醒来发现她在同一个地方,但现在的她的嘴很苍白,她打开她的嘴。一个月前我刚搬到这里和我的狗我抬头壁橱24小时动物医院……Arligton。我欺负维也纳是能够在我的车,但我需要兽医她动弹不得。我问的那个女孩在桌子上跟她帮我和她说她不能。我认为这是奇怪的和粗鲁的。那时维也纳不能走,这对我来说是非常困难的或抬起。 Then Vienna collapsed at the door way on her belly legs and arms out she couldn't move. I asked the girl at the front AGAIN to help me and she said " you didn't tell me she couldn't walk". I COULDN'T BELIEVE she said that too me. She and I feel that entire Arlington Hospital was EXTREMELY RUDE, AND LACKED EMPATHY especially for the business they are in. The doctor who saw her had a very cut and dru attitude as he told me that my baby girl had a tumor on her intestines that had burst ..the reason she couldn't stand up was her belly was full of blood..she was lacking oxygen and her body had gone into shock from everything and she was in critical care in an incubator and that they were not sure she would make it through surgery and that even if the cancer probably spread... I had to put my baby girl down that night. DEVASTATING to say the least. After talking to my vet in Hawaii * where we are from) I understand there was nothing I could've done and these things can happen and happen often in older dogs. HOWEVER the horrible treatment I an my baby received at Arlington was RIDICULOUS. THEY SHOULD CLOSE THIS PLACE DOWN THEY ARE HEARTLESS!!!
彻底地与实现这个兽医DISGSTED强迫我们! !我进来一个星期天实现会有等待,我会付出更多,因为它是周日!我是在900年……我没有看到一个下午直到315年博士!后面的女孩很粗鲁,我觉得镍和暗淡!自费用突然我从我的家人帮助支付他们的信用卡。有人告诉我他们不会使用它或运行它,直到我的家人到达那里……然后他们有勇气当我告诉我的孩子。家庭成员有他们不能离开,因为如果我需要再次使用他们的信用卡,他会留下来。我有信用卡支付我展示了多种方法来识别卡是可以使用但我。家庭成员会在这里很快授权,如果个可以。只是至少开始很大和血液因为我已经在这里工作了这么长时间。 They refused and got snippy and asked how much longer till they got there. Fine ok whatever. Over all I absolutely loved the Dr who came.in and examined my dog. She was kind and thorough. With that being said they came in told me treatment and I didn't even think.to ask was it all medically necessary. I didn't think a vet would hustle you with things you do not need. I was ok at spending 9 hours there waiting. I was ok with spending 700 bucks on blood work an xray, I was some what tolerable of the girls in the back attitude, where you lose me is when you hustle medications and price gouge! $46.50 for.20 pills that I could have bought pepcid over the counter for $5.00. There was 2 boxes of nausea medicine to keep my.puppy from throwing up...2 boxes $152. I found on Pet Meds for 17 bucks each! Since when is this ok? I came in thinking my pet was dying and they fully took advantage of the situation and price gouged me! I find that to be atrocious! I come to you because I love my animal, I am vulnerable and need help, and you hustle me and price gouge me from what I see so far between $400 and $500 when I am vulnerable. Who does that?!?! Your vet should be someone you trust, after all our animals are our family too!NEVER AGAIN! BUYER BE WARE COMiNG HERE
lluliana buenrostro
如果我能给这个地方一个零我! ! ! !如果你想让你的宠物死拿过来。我不是一个写过评论但是男人啊男人这个地方需要尽快关闭! ! ! !保持简单,我打电话给他们说他们在一个最大值,出现停车场空,带着我的狗在紧急(SAD)被指控900美元基本血液和x射线不包括初始访问(65美元)。等待7个小时,到达那里下午5点离开,直到午夜,尽管没有一个。医生是无情的,是钱饿! ! !没有治愈我的狗,说一切都很好回家。带他去另一个动物医院,因为他基本上是死,他们对他关怀备至。他是脱水,中毒! ! !然而,医生说他是好回家。 The whole staff is heartless and unmotivated to save life's. This place should be shut down!!! There's more to tell from this place but I'll let you find out for yourself. Rating a big fat 0.
到达330点。我检查签到表和填写了调查问卷。我期待一个漫长的等待。然而,当我检查在两小时后,我被告知,他们停止服用的患者,我们不得不等一个额外的两个小时晚上医生。问我为什么没有告诉我?接待员告诉我“我试着给你打电话。”I told her that I received no call whatsoever and she tried to argue that she did. Really? I have my cell in my hand. I get that things were busy, but I don't know what would have happened if I didn't check back. The point is, there was no communication, no regard to worried pet parents, and the audacity of saying that I received a phone call when I didn't. What is the point of the sign in sheet anyway if they're not going to check??????